Category: Americas


Oranjestad is the capital and largest city of Aruba. Oranjestad is located on the southern coast near the western end of the island country. In the local language, Papiamento, Oranjestad is often referred to simply as “Playa”. As of 2015, the population of the capital was around 35,000.

New York

This post is part of a series called New York

Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls is the collective name for three waterfalls that straddle the international border between Ontario, Canada and New York, USA. The features that became Niagara Falls were created by the Wisconsin glaciation about 10.000 years ago. The same forces also created the North American Great Lakes and the Niagara River.



Grand Turk

Grand Turk Island is an island in the Turks and Caicos Islands. It is the largest island in the Turks Islands and contains the territory’s capital, Cockburn Town. The name comes from a species of cactus on the island, the Turk’s Cap Cactus (Melocactus intortus), which has a distinctive cap, reminiscent of an Ottoman fez.